LH42095 Negative High Temperature Regulator
Precise power circuit from stabilization of negative voltage
GDS900 Gyro Based Directional Sensor User Manual
GDS900 GYRO based directional sensor is a new type of inclinometer for measuring well inclination and azimuth Angle.
DS581D-A High Temperature Directional Sensor
The DS581D-A high temperature directional sensor consists of a 3-axis fluxgate sensor and a 3-axis accelera tion sensor with built-in temperature compensation.
DS560 Miniature Directional Sensor
The DS560 contains both a 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer and a 3-axis accelerometer, it is designed to enable high accuracy measurement of the roll,
DS560 Miniature Orientation Sensor
he DS560 directional module is designed to enable high accuracy measurement of the roll, axis alignment and azimuth orientation angles in borehole logging and drilling applications.